Why we're here:
This blog is to highlight the unjust persecution of legitimate non-TV users at the hands of TV Licensing. These people do not require a licence and are entitled to live without the unnecessary stress and inconvenience caused by TV Licensing's correspondence and employees.

If you use equipment to receive live broadcast TV programmes, or to watch or download BBC on-demand programmes via the iPlayer, then the law requires you to have a TV licence and we encourage you to buy one.

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Heading to University: TV Licence Explained

It's that time of year when thousands of students are apprehensively packing their cases for a new life in higher education. It's also the time of year when TV Licensing hit the newspapers with horror stories of how they'll be snooping through every hall of residence, like a raincoated flasher lurking in the bushes of Hampstead Heath.

Have no fear. With a little bit of know how you can still enjoy watching television, completely legally, without having to line the pockets of fat cat presenters or bloated Beeb executives.

TV Licensing is quick to point out that if you use television receiving/recording equipment in your own room then you will need a TV licence for that purpose. Most people jump to the conclusion that means purchasing a separate licence, when in fact the licence at your non-term-time address may already cover you.

The TV licence at your non-term-time address (probably your parents' home) will cover you to use a television receiver powered by its own internal battery. This means you can use your laptop to watch TV as much as you like as long as it's unplugged from the mains. According to TV Licensing's own propaganda 66% of students say they watch TV on their laptop.

Contrary to what they'd have you believe TV Licensing has no way of detecting someone who watches online TV. The internet service providers don't tell them (they'd be quickly out of business if they did) and your university won't either. Although watching online TV technically requires a TV licence there's practically no chance of being caught or prosecuted if you do.

Remember that TV Licensing has zero entitlement to your cooperation. You do not need to respond to their letters, speak to their scummy operatives or allow them access to your room without a warrant.

Related posts:
TV Licensing for Students


SEO said...

Do you actually look through windows for a television

Admin said...

I don't... but then again why would I? This is an anti-TVL blog. I'll let your link dropping stop this time!