Why we're here:
This blog is to highlight the unjust persecution of legitimate non-TV users at the hands of TV Licensing. These people do not require a licence and are entitled to live without the unnecessary stress and inconvenience caused by TV Licensing's correspondence and employees.

If you use equipment to receive live broadcast TV programmes, or to watch or download BBC on-demand programmes via the iPlayer, then the law requires you to have a TV licence and we encourage you to buy one.

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

TV Licence Protests: May Day Bank Holiday

Protests against the TV licence fee will be taking place at the following times and locations on Monday, 4th May 2009:
  • BBC Broadcasting House, Whiteladies Road, Bristol BS8 2LR (11.30 am).
  • BBC Birmingham, 102-108 Wharfside Street, Birmingham B1 1AY (11.30 am).
  • BBC Manchester, New Broadcasting House, Oxford Road, Manchester M60 1SJ (11.30 am).
  • BBC Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London W1A 1AA (march from Trafalgar Square at around 12.30 pm).
Other venues may be added to this list later on, so stay tuned for news about protests at BBC offices in your neighbourhood.

By the power of the interweb thingy you can now recce these venues using Google Street View.

Don't forget your megaphones, Thermos flasks and digital cameras!

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