
Saturday, 6 December 2008

Stop Harassing Us!

I caught this gem when I was surfing the web:

I hope Lord Manley doesn't mind me sharing his creativity!

If anyone would like to follow in his footsteps the address for TVL is:

TV Licensing
Freepost BS6689

Remember that the heavier your package the more it costs them in postage and inconvenience.

Important note: People have asked us about the legality of returning special extras to TV Licensing (I shan't go into too much detail because they read this blog too). It is an offence to send anything by post that could be classed as obscene or dangerous. We couldn't condone such actions, so if you do choose to bulk up your envelopes please do so with an inert material.


  1. Thank you, very handy! No additional weight to the letter this time, but if they continue to harass me then they'll get a copy of the yellow pages as an added bonus next time :P

  2. Just had a letter asking me to confirm I still don't need a licence. So I have returned the letter, as I am so tired of getting their letters, put a 'stop harassing me' notice on the top, and found the biggest copy of yellow pages I could find, and have returned the whole lot to them.

  3. Carve it in stone and send it to them.

  4. I’m 2 years in now of constant letters despite ringing them and replying to letters initially to tell them I didn’t need one .
    I’m at my wits end the letters are really threatening. Last one got sent back saying I do not support peodos and Iv has another one back this morning grrrrrrr


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