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Monday 30 September 2024

TV Licensing Prosecutes Woman Detained Under Mental Health Act

There are seemingly no depths TV Licensing wont sink to in order to secure either a licence sale or conviction.

The BBC's scummy revenue generation arm has been at it again, this time with news that it decided to prosecuted a woman detained under the Mental Health Act.

The 32-year-old woman told the TV Licensing goon visiting her property that she was "not feeling well" and revealed that she had post traumatic stress disorder and trouble keeping up with her finances.

You'd think that would be a red flag to most decent people that her case needed closer investigation, but the shysters at TV Licensing decided to haul her to court anyway.

The woman, who admitted the offence of TV licence evasion, was prosecuted via the Single Justice Procedure.

In her letter of mitigation to the court, she said: "I have been in hospital since June of this year and have been struggling with my mental health for a long period (of) time.

"I did not intentionally not pay my TV licence, but due to my mental state during the time of the offence I forgot to pay and I am sincerely sorry."

Given the circumstances the magistrate dealing with the case decided to step away from their guidelines and impose an absolute discharge. This effectively marks the offence, but there is no other punishment.

However, it is yet another case that should never have made it as far as court.

Following the goon's doorstep interaction with the woman, alarm bells should have been ringing at TV Licensing that there was no public interest in prosecution. Even so, it could sense blood - and an easy result - so decided to press on with prosecution regardless.

TV Licensing told the Evening Standard that it was unaware of the woman's circumstances - not that you can believe a word uttered by TV Licensing.

A TV Licensing PR harlot said: "Our primary aim is to help people stay licensed and avoid prosecution, which is always a last resort.

"We followed established process in this case and asked for further information, however, details the customer provided to the court were not made available to TV Licensing.

"We will now contact the customer to review her case."

Yada, yada, yada - yet more TV Licensing bullshit. We've heard it time and time again. If it's not bullying the dead and bereaved, it's threatening people who have already paid.

There's not a day goes by where TV Licensing, acting fully in accord with its corrupt BBC paymasters, demonstrates how utterly clueless, incompetent and morally void it really is.

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Further anti-BBC reading:

Sunday 29 September 2024

Government in Talks to Decriminalise the BBC TV Licence Fee

The Government is in talks to decriminalise the BBC TV licence fee.

Good news, if true, but we've heard it all before!

According to reports led by The Sunday Times the Culture Secretary, Lisa Nandy, and the Justice Secretary, Shabana Mahmood, are said to be in agreement that the criminal enforcement of the TV licence fee is no longer appropriate.

The pair are said to be very concerned about the disproportionate number of women criminalised for TV licence evasion.

The high proportion of women being prosecuted arises from the fact that they are far more likely to be at home when a TV Licensing goon calls.

This is particularly true of (invariably) younger women looking after young children at home. The unemployed and disabled people are also more likely to be at home during the day and answer the door to TV Licensing.

It is also believed that women are more likely to be cooperative, talkative and trusting when engaging with a TV Licensing goon, so they are far more likely to divulge information leading to a prosecution.

Human rights lawyer Cherie Blair KC told The Sunday Times it was "absurd" that a third of all female criminal prosecutions were in relation to TV licence evasion.

Demonstrating her ignorance about how the offence is punished, Blair continued: "The cost of those women's places in prison, the impact on their children, the fact that they'll probably lose their accommodation - I mean, what is the sense in that? There is absolutely no sense in it whatsoever."

Despite Blair's cluelessness we support her view that the continued criminal enforcement regime is perverse.

A TV Licensing spokesperson said: "TV Licensing enforcement policy has not changed, and we have a duty to enforce the law when there is evidence that someone has avoided paying for a TV licence.

"What we have done is made considerable efforts to help people get licensed and offer help and support. So while we take appropriate action where necessary, we work hard to support those most in need, offering a number of concessions and payment plans to ensure people can obtain a licence in the way that suits them best.

"Our focus on collecting the licence fee fairly and efficiently ensures that the overwhelming majority of households are correctly licensed."

You can be fairly confident the BBC will fight tooth and nail to avoid the decriminalisation of the TV licence fee. The BBC knows fine well that the threat of a criminal conviction is enough to scare people into paying, even if they have no legal reason to do so.

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Further anti-BBC reading:

Monday 16 September 2024

Perverted BBC Newsreader Huw Edwards Dodges Jail Time

Much to his undoubted frustration, perverted BBC newsreader Huw Edwards won't be playing hide the sausage with some teenaged lag in the communal showers of HMP Wandsworth this evening.

That's because the deviant broadcaster, who clearly has a bit of a thing about young boys, has been handed a suspended sentence for downloading indecent images of children.

On 31st July 2024 Edwards admitted three offences of downloading indecent images of children. The images were shared in a WhatsApp conversation with fellow Welsh nonce Alex Williams, who Edwards periodically sent cash payments to in acknowledgement.

Despite these payments Senior District Judge Paul Goldspring has somehow concluded that Edwards did not pay for the images directly.

Today, 16th September 2024, Edwards was sentenced to 6 months in prison suspended for 2 years.

He also has to complete a 40-day Sex Offender Treatment Programme and up to 25 days' rehabilitation work with the probation service.

Given the sentence imposed, Edwards is now subject to notification requirements of the sex offenders register.

Judge Goldsping decided against making the seedy Welshman subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order, saying that he didn't believe Edwards posed a risk of sexual harm in the future.

There has been a lot of public criticism of the apparent leniency of Edwards' sentence. However, legal opinion seems to be that the sentence was proportionate and in agreement with the relevant guidelines. It should also be noted that Williams, who had a more significant role in the crime, had previously been sentenced to a suspended sentence, so it didn't seem likely Edwards would go straight to prison.

The Sun has published a very interesting 40 minute documentary about how it first broke the story of Edwards' sexual deviancy. It is worth noting that the BBC, not for the first time, repeatedly ignored complaints in relation to its most prominent news presenter.

You can view the video here if you're interested.

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Further anti-BBC reading: