
Saturday, 9 September 2017

Student TV Licence Reminder

As sure as night follows day, TV Licensing fills the September newspapers with articles targeting students at the start of the university year.

We've written a fair bit on this previously (see here and here for deeper reading), but given TV Licensing's recent media offensive it's worth publishing this brief reminder for anyone heading to university for the first time.

A TV licence is required for any property where equipment is installed or used to receive TV programmes at the same time (or virtually the same time) as they are broadcast to the wider public. Additionally, from the 1st September 2016, a TV licence is required for any property where equipment is used to watch or download BBC on-demand programmes via the iPlayer.

However, a student is covered by the TV licence of their non-term time address if they only ever watch using an unplugged device powered by its own internal battery (e.g. an unplugged laptop or tablet connected wirelessly to the web). If they only ever watch programmes on unplugged devices then they do not need to purchase their own TV licence. We suggest that most students could adjust towards this form of viewing, thus saving themselves £147 (at the time of writing).

A student would require their own TV licence if they decided to install (e.g. plug in to the mains or an external aerial) a device to receive TV programmes (or BBC on-demand programmes) in their own rented room.

Students are reminded of the following facts when dealing with TV Licensing:
  • Anyone who does not legally require a TV licence is under no obligation to communicate or co-operate with TV Licensing. They do not need to prove their non-TV status to TV Licensing, despite TV Licensing's regular pretence to the contrary.
  • Under normal circumstances TV Licensing goons have no special legal rights to enter any property, but they will often seek the occupier's permission to enter. Unless TV Licensing has a warrant, which it almost certainly won't (a lot more in this post), then the occupier should refuse entry. TV Licensing goons cannot be trusted.
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  1. Students don't be fooled don't answer anything and agree to anything. As this article states they have no power and cannot enter without permission. Don't support the corrupt BBC

  2. Not quite a Student, but here's a query :-
    "The occupiers of legally-licence-free properties are discouraged from responding to TV Licensing's enquiries. They should not be coerced into paying for a licence they don't legally need, or providing TV Licensing with information to which it is not legally entitled."
    I have not used TV for over fifteen years, in fact since I retired. Of course I have received mountains of 'threaograms' and being over 75, I am not even required to pay for a Licence.
    My reason for not acquiring a free licence is because the government could remove this 'freeby' or change the ctiteria.
    Do you think I am right to continue being 'legally-licence-free ' and suffer even more years of their baseless threats?

  3. Thanks for your comment Bernard.
    If you are managing perfectly fine without the stimulus of television, then by all means continue down the legally-licence-free route and keep ignoring TV Licensing. If, on the other hand, you can't survive any longer without the likes of Strictly Come Bollocks, then by all means apply for your free TV licence. It depends entirely on your circumstances.

  4. Thanks for your reply 'Admin'. I can easily survive without Strictly come Bollocking or Baking.
    By the way - have you seen this?
    "Of more short-term significance is the debate in the Commons scheduled for 16th October re. abolishing the TV licence fee."
    It it goes - who will foot the bill?

  5. The debate on 16 October is listed on the Parliamentary web site as

    Westminster Hall debate

    E-petition 170931 relating to the TV License fee - Helen Jones

    Helen Jones is the MP for Warrington North.

    More details at:

    The motion won't abolish the fee - it's the chance for MPs to have their say and get a response from a minister. I believe the debate will be available on the Parliamentary website.


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