
Friday, 15 August 2014

Angry TV Licensing Goon Strikes Out: Quick Update

A couple of days ago we wrote about a TV Licensing visiting officer striking out at a member of the public on the street outside his home.

The incident, which happened in the Redcar & Cleveland village of Carlin How on 8th August 2014, was captured on camera. The footage is quite clear and we doubt even TV Licensing will be able to spin an innocent explanation for the events shown. There is no doubt about the identity of the visiting officer in question, as his ID card was photographed in a previous encounter.

We are writing this update because we have become aware of a new follow-up video uploaded to YouTube. The new video shows an anonymous caller to TV Licensing making a complaint about the visiting officer's conduct. The TV Licensing call handler was clearly quite disturbed by what she was told, as she should have been. As the caller identified the visiting officer by name, we are not going to link directly to the video. We are still hopeful that the injured party can be persuaded to complain to the police.

As the BBC and TV Licensing are definitely now aware of this incident, we hope they can step out of character and find the decency to do the right thing. At the very least the injured party deserves a personal apology from a senior BBC manager and the offer of compensation.

We shall keep you updated with any other developments we become aware of.


  1. Given Capitas history he is more likely to get a SW than an apology sadly

    1. Either that or a van sitting outside pointing a camera at his home. Personally, I wouldn't put either possibilities passed Capita and their beloved TVL.

  2. We wouldn't be totally surprised if that was the outcome.

  3. If a van sits outside pointing a camera, get the neighbours to stand outside and point cameras back at the van. Perfectly legal.

  4. Unbelievable video. That would be a sacking offence for anyone in a different job with the public. He'll probably get promoted by TVL!

  5. i hope there is some follow up information on this story , this guy can not keep his job, even by tvl low low low standards theres no wiggle room for them on this one ,
    the other goon that kept trying to open the door rattling the door handle , "oh he had his foot trapped"
    will not wash on this one as it clearly shows him , sprint from the front to the back of the car ,then lunge at the guy,
    and then theres the "you fool" comment and the "prove it!!!" comment.


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